Small Roses

This section gives a selection of low-growing roses, in the main reaching two feet or less. These are particularly useful for very small modern gardens. Even here, a few larger roses will help to vary the... Read more

This section gives a selection of low-growing roses, in the main reaching two feet or less. These are particularly useful for very small modern gardens. Even here, a few larger roses will help to vary the height and add style. Read less

Showing 22 results
Nathalie Nypels
Perle d’Or
Cécile Brunner
Flower Power
Sweet Dream
Gloire du Midi
Cider Cup
Bright Smile
Peter Pan
Katharina Zeimet
Miss Edith Cavell
Queen Mother
Baby Faurax
Marie Pavie
Jean Mermoz
Greenalls Glory
Yvonne Rabier