Our Guide to Pruning

Pruning is arguably the most important job you can do for your roses. It gives your rose shape, structure and encourages new blooms for the season ahead.

Watch our short tutorials for top tips when pruning both a new and established shrub or climbing rose.

The best time to prune your roses...

Should I prune roses with signs of new growth?


Pruning is essential if you really want your rose to thrive. English Roses are naturally vigorous and, if left without pruning, may become large and leggy shrubs. The main purpose of pruning is to create a shapely, attractive shrub, with good structure, you can do this by simply removing parts of the plant during the non flowering season. Pruning encourages fresh new growth and plentiful blooms for the following season.



We recommend pruning in late winter/early spring, when the first growth is beginning. It is ok to prune earlier, but it can be more difficult to identify the less healthy stems that you will want to prune out. If you still haven’t pruned by March it is still better to do so.

For further information on how to prune by rose type please visit the following pages