Planting with Pink


Beautiful, blooming and completely delectable, English roses come in every shade of pink imaginable. From the palest of pink, almost fading to white, to the bright punch of fushcia. Whether you mix your pink roses, or stick to a swathe of uniform colour, you'll be on your way to a dazzling display.

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Queen of Sweden

(Austiger) English Shrub Rose

A prim and perfect rose of a pretty pale pink and elegant, poised upright growth

Prim and pretty, her exquisitely soft apricot-pink buds gracefully open into half-enclosed cups of neat, regular petals arranged in concentric circles. As she blossoms her blooms open wide, creating beautiful shallow cups of pure soft pink, each uniform in size and form. She is upright and poised, providing a very neat and eye-catching shrub.

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Her light-medium fragrance is the lovely classic scent of Myrrh, a subtle yet enticing treat for the senses when planted in hedges or en masse. Alternatively, you can enjoy her scent indoors, with her straight stems displaying well in a vase.


Formal yet delightful, she is named to commemorate the 350th anniversary of the Treaty of Friendship and Commerce between Queen Christina of Sweden and Oliver Cromwell of England in 1654.